Python Enum: Creating Enumerations in Python

Enums in Python define symbolic names for groups of related constants.

How to Use Enums in Python

You can define an enum by creating a subclass of Enum with class attributes. Since the Enum class belongs to the enum module, you need to import the module at the top of your Python script.

from enum import Enum

class Day(Enum):
    MONDAY = 1
    TUESDAY = 2
    THURSDAY = 4
    FRIDAY = 5
    SATURDAY = 6
    SUNDAY = 7

Basic Usage

today = Day.MONDAY

When to Use Enum in Python

Enums can be useful whenever you’re working with groups of related constants.

Defining Constant Groups

You can use enums to represent groups of related constants, such as days of the week or severity levels.

class SeverityLevel(Enum):
    LOW = 1
    MEDIUM = 2
    HIGH = 3
    CRITICAL = 4

Improving Code Readability

Enums also improve code readability by using meaningful names instead of arbitrary values. This makes your code easier to understand and maintain, as the purpose of each value is clear.

def alert(level):
    if level == SeverityLevel.HIGH:
        print("Take immediate action!")

alert(SeverityLevel.HIGH)  # Outputs: 'Take immediate action!'

Type-Safe Comparisons

Enums ensure you use only valid constants, preventing errors caused by invalid values. Maintaining type safety makes your code more robust and less prone to bugs.

class Status(Enum):
    SUCCESS = "Success"
    FAILURE = "Failure"

status = Status.SUCCESS
if status == Status.SUCCESS:
    print("Operation was successful.")

Examples of Using Python Enum

Web Application Settings

A web application might use enums to define configuration settings. This makes it easier to manage different modes or configurations.

class Config(Enum):
    DEBUG = True
    PRODUCTION = False

# Example usage in a web app configuration
current_config = Config.PRODUCTION
if current_config == Config.DEBUG:
    print("Debug mode is enabled")
    print("Production mode is enabled")

Workflow State Management

Workflow management systems can use enums to represent different states of a task. This makes it easier to manage and transition between different states in a controlled manner.

class TaskState(Enum):
    TO_DO = 1

current_state = TaskState.TO_DO
print(current_state)  # Outputs: 'TaskState.TO_DO'

# Transitioning task state
if current_state == TaskState.TO_DO:
    current_state = TaskState.IN_PROGRESS
    print("Task is now in progress")

E-commerce Product Categories

An e-commerce application might use enums to map numeric values to meaningful names for product categories. This makes it easier to manage and display product information in a user-friendly way.

class ProductCategory(Enum):
    CLOTHING = 2
    HOME = 3

# Example usage in product listing
product = {'name': 'Laptop', 'category': ProductCategory.ELECTRONICS}
print(f"Product: {product['name']}, Category: {product['category'].name}")  # Outputs: 'Product: Laptop, Category: ELECTRONICS'

Calendar Application

A calendar application might use enums to represent the days of the week, improving readability and reducing errors. This approach helps ensure that day-related operations are handled consistently and correctly.

class Weekday(Enum):
    MONDAY = 1
    TUESDAY = 2
    THURSDAY = 4
    FRIDAY = 5
    SATURDAY = 6
    SUNDAY = 7

# Scheduling an event
event_day = Weekday.FRIDAY
print(f"The event is scheduled for {}")  # Outputs: 'The event is scheduled for FRIDAY'

Learn More About Python Enum

Python Enum Class Methods

The Enum class provides several built-in methods like name, value, and __members__ to access enum properties. These methods make it easy to work with enums and retrieve their values and names.

print(  # Outputs: 'ELECTRONICS'
print(ProductCategory.ELECTRONICS.value)  # Outputs: 1
print(ProductCategory.__members__)  # Outputs: {'ELECTRONICS': <ProductCategory.ELECTRONICS: 1>, 'CLOTHING': <ProductCategory.CLOTHING: 2>, 'HOME': <ProductCategory.HOME: 3>}

Iterating Over Enums

You can iterate over the members of an enum using a for loop. This capability is useful for performing operations on all enum values or for generating lists of names or values.

for day in Weekday:
# Outputs: 'Weekday.MONDAY', 'Weekday.TUESDAY', ...

Comparing Enum Members

You can compare enum members using logical operators. This allows you to perform operations based on the order or equality of enum values.

if Weekday.MONDAY < Weekday.FRIDAY:
    print("Monday comes before Friday.")

Customizing Enum Members

Using the property decorator, you can create enums with more complex data types and custom methods. This allows you to encapsulate additional logic and data within your enums.

class Planet(Enum):
    MERCURY = (0.39, 3.30e23)
    VENUS = (0.72, 4.87e24)
    EARTH = (1.00, 5.97e24)

    def __init__(self, distance_from_sun, mass):
        self.distance_from_sun = distance_from_sun
        self.mass = mass

    def density(self):
        return self.mass / (4/3 * 3.14159 * (self.distance_from_sun ** 3))

print(Planet.EARTH.density)  # Outputs Earth's density

Auto-generating Values

You can use the auto() function to automatically assign increasing integer values to enum members. This simplifies the process of defining enums with sequential values.

from enum import auto

class ErrorCode(Enum):
    NOT_FOUND = auto()
    UNAUTHORIZED = auto()
    FORBIDDEN = auto()

print(list(ErrorCode))  # Outputs: [<ErrorCode.NOT_FOUND: 1>, <ErrorCode.UNAUTHORIZED: 2>, <ErrorCode.FORBIDDEN: 3>]

Advanced Enum Techniques

For more advanced usage, you can use IntEnum, Flag, and IntFlag to perform additional operations like bitwise operations. These specialized enums provide additional functionality and are useful in various contexts.

from enum import IntFlag

class Permission(IntFlag):
    READ = 1
    WRITE = 2
    EXECUTE = 4

# Assign multiple permissions
permissions = Permission.READ | Permission.WRITE
if permissions & Permission.READ:
    print("Read permission granted.")
if permissions & Permission.EXECUTE == 0:
    print("Execute permission denied.")
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